Tournament prospectus
County of Oxfordshire Senior Outdoor Championships 2025, to be held on 7th June 2025.
WRS WA 70m round
WRS WA 60m round
WRS WA 50m round (compound)
WRS WA 50m round (barebow)
Event Format
WA70m, WA60m and WA50m rounds to be shot in accordance with World Archery Rules of Shooting. Arrows will be shot in ends of 6 arrows in 4 minutes. There will be four archers per target. Compounds will shoot at individual 6 zone target faces.
All categories will shoot elimination matches after the round. The event is a Tier 2 ranking event for recurve, barebow and compound archers. This event is also part of the Southern Counties Archery Youth Tour, points are available for U21 and U18 age groups only.
Sue Richards (COJ), David Leach, Aislinn O'Connell, Siobhan Tyson
This is the official county championships in the following categories:
50+, Open, U21 and U18 age groups
Recurve, Compound, Barebow and Longbow
All at standard WA distances. Longbows shoot the same distance as recurves.
County awards will be made based on the ranking round only. Open awards will be made based on the match play.
Tournament Organiser
Dress code is according to the AGB Rules of Shooting
Drug testing
Archers competing at record status tournaments may be liable to drug testing. Competitors who are approached to give samples must comply. Non-compliance will be treated as a positive result. Parents/Guardians must check the relevant box on the entry form giving consent for junior archers (under 18s) to be drug tested if approached.
Important information
Registration opens 8am. Assembly at 8.45am followed by 3 ends of practice and the qualification round. Match play will begin as soon as possible after the main round. Awards will take place immediately after shooting concludes.
The tournament will take place at our outdoor venue at Wallingford Sports Park, Wallingford OX10 9RB. The shooting field is the northern field, please follow the track past the buildings to the car park, and follow directions from parking attendants.
We are hoping to provide catering for this event and will confirm nearer the time.
Enter now
Entry is open to all ArcheryGB members and members of other World Archery Affiliated bodies, excluding those from Russia and Belarus in line with World Archery sanctions.
Entry will open to Oxfordshire archers only in February, with open entry from March.
If you are having problems entering, please contact the Tournament Organiser.
Entry fee is £20. Entries must be received by 1st June 2025 at 23:59.