Wallingford Castle Archers

Tournament prospectus

3rd Wallingford Castle Archers 720, held on 3rd August 2019.


WRS WA 70m round
WRS WA 50m round (compound)

Event Format

WA70m and WA50m rounds to be shot in accordance with World Archery Rules of Shooting. Arrows will be shot in ends of 6 arrows in 4 minutes. There will be four archers per target. Compounds will shoot at individual 6 zone target faces.


Chris Evans (Chair), Richard Jones, Guy Perring, Georgina Cutts, Graham Pink & Chris Charlesworth


Awards will be made for Gents and Ladies, recurve and compound. There will be no separate category for barebow or longbow archers, or for juniors, but all are welcome to compete.

Tournament Organiser

Marc Tamlyn


Dress code is according to the AGB Rules of Shooting

Drug testing

Archers competing at record status tournaments may be liable to drug testing. Competitors who are approached to give samples must comply. Non-compliance will be treated as a positive result. Parents/Guardians must check the relevant box on the entry form giving consent for junior archers (under 18s) to be drug tested if approached.

Important information


Registration opens 8am. ArcheryGB cards will be required.

Assembly at 8.45am followed by 3 ends of practice and the qualification round. Match play will begin as soon as possible after the main round. Awards will take place at the Sports Park Bar immediately after shooting concludes.


The tournament will take place at our outdoor venue at Wallingford Sports Park, Wallingford OX10 9RB. The shooting field is the northern field, please park in the main car park and follow signs through to the field (approx 200m). Parking is available nearer the line for archers with mobility problems only.


Hot and cold food and drinks will be available. The bar will also be open after shooting concludes.


Camping will be available direct from Wallingford Sports Park. Contact the TO for details.


Results on TamlynScore