Wallingford Castle Archers

Holiday archery


Over the easter and summer holidays we will be offering a range of archery classes for children aged 6-11. Whether you've never held a bow before, shoot regularly at minis, school or a leisure centre and want to keep practicing over the holidays, or are wanting an opportunity to progress your skills, we have the classes for you.

All sessions will be run in small groups with an experienced coach. Equipment is provided, but if you have your own equipment you can bring it along.

Venue, weather and attire

All sessions will take place at our outdoor venue - Wallingford Sports Park. We do of course hope for wonderful sunny days, but archery is an all weather sport and sessions will continue in light rain. It is important that children bring appropriate attire for the conditions - sun cream, coats etc. Most importantly, long hair must be tied back and closed toed shoes must be worn. We reserve the right to stop children participating if their clothing does not allow them to take part safely.

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Sessions are aimed at archers aged 6-11. Older children should enquire about arrows sessions for under 16s, or beginners courses.

Beginner sessions

These classes are ideal for children with no or very little previous experience of archery. We will cover how to shoot the bow, how to be safe on the archery range, and how to score your arrows. Each session is self contained and new archers are welcome at any session, but we will also be progressing repeat visitors towards their first World Archery beginners awards.

Intermediate sessions

These classes are ideal for children with some regular recent experience of archery. This may be at the club, at their school or at a local leisure centre. These coach led sessions will cover a range of technique, skills and knowledge about the sport. There will be an opportunity to attain World Archery beginners awards.

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We understand that many children go on holiday during school breaks, and as such every session is self contained. You can book onto as many or as few sessions as you like!

Dates and times

We plan to follow the same session times each day, and run sessions every week throughout the easter and summer holidays. Some dates will not be running due to facilities availability and scheduling clashes - you can check exact times and dates on the booking page.

Session times:

  • Tuesdays 3-3:45pm: Beginners session
  • Tuesdays 3:45-4:30pm: Intermediates session
  • Thursdays 3-3:45pm: Beginners session
  • Thursdays 3:45-4:30pm: Intermediates session


Sessions are priced at £8 for non-members and £5 for members. Please note that there is a maximum allowance of six sessions as a non-member in a year before you have to join the club. This is for insurance reasons. Find out more about membership.

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